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Example №1

Task Deadline
[CITY-13] Issue creation and retrieval 29/12/2024


Users cannot report issues in their city, view existing issues within a specific area, or retrieve detailed information about an issue. Additionally, images attached to issues are not stored securely in AWS under the issues backet.


Implement functionality that allows users to:

  1. Report new issues with details, location, and images stored securely in AWS.
  2. View all issues within a specific radius and filter by category or other criteria.
  3. Retrieve detailed information about a specific issue, including associated comments and metadata.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Users can create a new issue by providing a title, description, category, location, and images.
  • Images are uploaded to AWS and linked to the issue.
  • Users can view issues within a specific radius and apply filters (e.g., category, date).
  • Users can retrieve details of a specific issue, including comments and metadata.
  • AWS is fully integrated for secure and scalable image storage.

Database Changes

Issues Table

Column Name Column Type Nullable Default
id UUID No Generated UUID
title VARCHAR(255) No -
description TEXT Yes -
location JSON (or GEOGRAPHY(Point, 4326)) No -
status ENUM No active
category_id FOREIGN KEY( No -
citizen_id FOREIGN KEY( No -
created_at DATETIME No auto_now_add=True
updated_at DATETIME No auto_now=True

Issue Images Table

Column Name Column Type Nullable Default
issue_id FOREIGN KEY( No -
photo TEXT (URL to AWS) No -

Integration with AWS

All images related to an issue will be uploaded to AWS S3. The URLs of these images will be stored in the issue_image table for retrieval.


from django.contrib.gis.db import models

class IssueStatusChoices(Enum):
    ACTIVE = "active"
    IN_PROGRESS = "in progress"
    RESOLVED = "resolved"
    CANCELLED = "cancelled"

    def choices(cls):
        return [(, choice.value) for choice in cls]

class Issue(models.Model):
    id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False)
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    description = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
    location = models.JSONField()  # Optionally use GEOGRAPHY(Point, 4326)
    status = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=IssueStatusChoices.choices(),
    category = models.ForeignKey('Categories', on_delete=models.PROTECT)
    citizen = models.ForeignKey('Citizen', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

class IssueImage(models.Model):
    issue = models.ForeignKey('Issue', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    photo = models.TextField()  # URL to AWS S3


  • [POST] /api/v1/issues

Description: Create a new issue report.


  "title": "Broken streetlight on main road",
  "category": "road works",
  "description": "There's a deep pothole in the middle of Maple Drive...",
  "location": {
    "latitude": 55.9533,
    "longitude": -3.1883,
    "city": "Edinburgh",
    "county": "Yorkshire"
  "pictures": ["picture1", "picture2"]


  "issue_id": 123,
  "message": "Issue report created successfully."


  • Insert issue into the issue table
  • Insert pictures into the pictures table

-[GET] /api/v1/issues

Description: GET all issues report.

Request Params:

type=Enum(Road works/etc..)
latitude = 55.123
logtitute = -3.12


  "id": 123,
  "title": "Broken streetlight on main road",
  "description": "There's a deep pothole in the middle of Maple Drive...",
  "category": "road works",
  "pictures": ["picture1", "picture2"],
  "location": {
    "latitude": 55.9533,
    "longitude": -3.1883,
    "city": "Edinburgh",
    "county": "Yorkshire"
  "created_at": "2024-11-03T10:30:00Z",
  "upvotes": 1000


  • Filter the list of issues within the radius of the specific location, with a limit and types.

  • Use PostGIS extension for these issues.

SELECT id, title, description, category, pictures, location, created_at, upvotes
FROM issues
    ST_MakePoint(-3.12, 55.123)::geography,  -- User's longitude and latitude
    10000                                      -- Radius in meters (10 km here)
AND category = 'road works'                     -- Filter by type if provided
ORDER BY created_at DESC
  • [GET] /api/v1/issues/{issue_id}

Description: Retrieve details of a specific issue.


  "id": 123,
  "title": "Broken streetlight on main road",
  "description": "There's a deep pothole in the middle of Maple Drive...",
  "category": "road works",
  "pictures": ["picture1", "picture2"],
  "location": {
    "city": "Edinburgh",
    "county": "Yorkshire"
  "created_at": "2024-11-03T10:30:00Z",
  "upvotes": 1000


Load the comments and users who left this comment, for the specific issue


1. Create Issue

class CreateIssueView(APIView):
    permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated, isCitizen]

    def post(self, request):
        # 1. Get the issue data from request.FILES.getlist
        # 2. Serialize results of the issue
        # 3. Add images to the separate table

2. Retrieve Issues

class RetrieveIssuesView(APIView):
    permission_classes = [permissions.AllowAny]

    def get(self, request):
        # 1. Get  latitude , longitude , radius , category from the request param for  filtration
        # 2. Filter with Geoposix query
        # 3. Return serialized results of the issue with loaded pictures  

3. Retrieve Issue Details

class RetrieveIssueDetailView(APIView):
    permission_classes = [permissions.AllowAny]

    def get(self, request, id):
        # 1. Get the issue by id 
        # 2. Serialize issue and prefetch images 

AWS Integration

  1. File Upload to S3

    class S3Service:
        def upload_file(self, file, folder, user_id):
            file_name = f"{folder}/{user_id}/{uuid.uuid4()}_{}"
            self.s3.upload_fileobj(file, BUCKET_NAME, file_name, ExtraArgs={"ACL": "public-read"})
            return f"https://{BUCKET_NAME}{file_name}"

  2. Storing URLs in the IssueImage Table

  3. Save the returned S3 URL in the photo column.

  4. Retrieve Images

  5. Query the IssueImage table for all images related to a specific issue.


Name Purpose
test_create_issue Tests issue creation, including AWS upload.
test_retrieve_issues Tests retrieval of issues with filters.
test_retrieve_issue_detail Tests detailed issue retrieval with images.


  • Implement database migrations for issue and issue_image tables.
  • Integrate PostGIS for geospatial queries.
  • Implement file uploads to AWS S3.
  • Write unit tests for all endpoints.
  • Update API documentation with new endpoints.